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  • The project

    Sustainable table – culinary traditions and innovations along Baranya Greenway

    The project is the direct continuation of a previous IPA project and is to be realized within the cooperation of two Hungarian and two Croatian partners. The Lead Beneficiary is Gyeregyalog.hu Association, whose aim is to explore the hidden potentials of less known areas of traditional gastronomy along Baranya Greenway and innovatively create profitable food-related products which, while giving solutions for the ‘sustainable table’, increase the diversity and complexity of the tourism offerings of the region. The re-introduction of wild edible plants, medicinal plants, wild mushrooms into the cuisine, the revival of old kitchen technologies and long-forgotten tools are in the focus of the Association’s activities. Based on the researches carried out in the project trainings, workshops will be organized and festivals will promote the new culinary approach.

    In Cserkút a new culinary hub and community space will be created which by offering the combination of traditional cooking techniques and modern technologies will serve as a venue for culinary workshops and trainings, community events and food-related activities.

    The Municipality of Knezevi Vinogradi by developing a green market and organizing various thematic trainings contributes to the growing prestige of local products and the development of tourism infrastructure. 

    The Alliance of Hungarian Entrepreneurs in Croatia will promote the principles of eco-conscious lifestyle through special events and camps and sensitize the youngest generations to environmental sustainability and eco-consciousness by organizing interactive, creative workshops and activities.

    The project aims to encourage intergenerational cooperation, serve the better understanding and appreciation of the artisanal heritage, motivate to discover and appreciate local values, contribute to the growth of eco-consciousness, inspire environmentally conscious behaviour and healthy living. It promotes acceptance and inclusion through the involvement of roma people and people with special needs. Cross-border activities bring new acquaintances, ideas and approaches which broaden perspectives, enhance creativity and help build friendships, tolerance and understanding. The emergence of new, unique attraction elements on the tourism palette strengthens the region’s position as a destination worth visiting, bringing more visitors and economic growth.


    Project title in English: Sustainable table – Culinary traditions and innovations along Baranya Greenway
    Project acronym: Eat Green
    Project ID: HUHR/1601/2.1.3/0022

    Lead Beneficiary: Gyeregyalog.hu Összefogás a Dél-Dunántúli Aktív- és Ökoturizmusért Közhasznú Egyesület
    Project partners: Municipaliy of Cserkút, Alliance of Hungarian Entrepreneurs in Croatia, Municipality of Knezevi Vinogradi

    Project budget: 381 994,54 EUR
    EU fund: 324 695,35 EUR
    Project implementation period: 01.05.2017-30.06.2019

    The project is realized within the framework of the Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Cooperation Programme 2014-2020